A Little Tiny Oscilloscope

As much as I wish I had a real oscilloscope--perhaps almost as much as wish I had $3,000--like most people I have to settle for the next best thing. In this case, a DIY kit, sold by many Chinese sellers on Alibaba and Ebay, the DSO138 is an open-source blank PCB (only with surface mount integrated circuits pre-soldered) that is then sold together with the required components to build a fully functioning oscilloscope. All you have to do is solder the other 97 pieces to the board!

Partly an exercise in soldering, partly a need for a cheap oscilloscope, and partly an interest in such a cool piece of tech, it took a good bit to solder and a whole lot more to troubleshoot. Eventually got it working, and to produce and capture a 1 kHz squarewave! Seen below.

DIY Oscilloscope 1 kHz Signal